Mû & Sasha
Masía en Sant Cebrián de Vallalta BarcelonaMasía en Sant Cebrián de Vallalta Compartimentados un Recurregut sensorial per a despertar tots els sentits: Degustació de música i productos locals 20€ Reservas a 678793938 mu-sasha.com
Masía en Sant Cebrián de Vallalta Compartimentados un Recurregut sensorial per a despertar tots els sentits: Degustació de música i productos locals 20€ Reservas a 678793938 mu-sasha.com
The musician Mû Mbana took the stage at the Thêatre du Châtelet, in Paris, this Sunday, as part of the start of the France-Portugal Crusade Season. The singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist presented songs from his "most Guinean" album, INÊN.
ACCEPT YOUR VOICE AND YOU WILL ACCEPT YOURSELF. KNOW YOUR VOICE AND YOU WILL KNOW YOURSELF. On February 19, Mû is going to dedicate Saturday afternoon to giving a workshop for musicians, singers and non-singers. For all audiences, 4 hours of learning, fun and activity in the Din tak room. Din Tak: Passatge del Vilaret […]
The author and multi-instrumentalist Mû Mbana presents himself this Friday, April 8, in Madrid, with a concert in which he collects the sounds of his native Guinea-Bissau to reinterpret them with rustic strings, new airs and harmonies from West Africa
Mû Mbana, Natural da ilha de Bolama, na Guiné-Bissau, cresceu influenciado pelos cânticos religiosos praticados pelas mulheres das etnias Brame (Mancanha) e Bijagó (Budjugu). Multi-instrumentista, compositor e poeta, a maturidade da sua música e os instrumentos que o acompanham são como um reflexo material da sua alma de músico e artista. O seu vasto e […]